2.6. More Sophisticated ParametersΒΆ

This example assumes that you are familiar with the sequencing process. If you need a refresher on this, have a look at The Sequencing Process: Obtaining Pulse Instances From Pulse Templates first.

Attention/Broken: During the creation of this example some implementation errors were found in the qctoolkit. Due to time constraints, these were not fixed immediately, leaving this example to be slightly flawed. However, in order to demonstrate the underlying principles, this example is published in its current form. Annotations like this mark where the current behavior of the qctoolit diverges from the intended one.

So far we have only considered constant parameter values. Now assume that we need to derive the value for a parameter based on some measurements we’ve made during the execution of previous parts of a composite pulse. For example, let the pulse we want to execute be constructed as follows:

In [1]:
%matplotlib notebook
from qctoolkit.pulses import TablePulseTemplate, SequencePulseTemplate, plot

init_template = TablePulseTemplate()
init_template.add_entry(2, 5)
init_template.add_entry(4, -5)
init_template.add_entry(6, 0)
init_template.add_entry(8, 0)

measurement_template = TablePulseTemplate(measurement=True)
measurement_template.add_entry(0, 2)
measurement_template.add_entry(4, 0)

dependent_template = TablePulseTemplate()
dependent_template.add_entry(2, 0)
dependent_template.add_entry(5, 'v', 'linear')
dependent_template.add_entry(10, 0, 'linear')

sequence_template = SequencePulseTemplate([(init_template, {}),
                                           (measurement_template, {}),
                                           (dependent_template, {'v': 'v'}),
                                           (init_template, {})
                                          ], {'v'})

plot(sequence_template, {'v': 1}, sample_rate=100)
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Now we want to let the value of parameter v depend somehow on the measurement we make between time 8 and 12 (assuming we have a way to obtain measurement data, which is currently not the case (work in progress)). Thus we need to execute the first part of the pulse, then compute the parameter value and execute the remainder. We can do so be encapsulating the computation of the parameter value in a custom subclass of Parameter. Assuming, for simplicity, that we have some measurement_manager object which we can query whether or not the measurement has been made (is_measurement_available()) and what data was obtained (get_data()) and that the value of v shall simply be twice the measured data, this subclass might look like this:

In [2]:
from qctoolkit.pulses import Parameter

class MeasurementDependentParameter(Parameter):

    def __init__(self, measurement_manager) -> None:
        self.measurement_manager = measurement_manager

    def requires_stop(self) -> bool:
        return not self.measurement_manager.is_measurement_available()

    def get_value(self) -> float:
        return 2*(self.measurement_manager.get_data())

    def get_serialization_data(self, serializer):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def deserialize(serializer):
        raise NotImplementedError()

We overwrite the abstract property requires_stop and the abstract method get_value of the Parameter base class. requires_stop is used to indicate to the Sequencer whether the Parameter object can currently be evaluated or whether the sequencing process has to be interrupted. Our MeasurementDependentParameter will return True if no measurement data is available (in contrast, the ConstantParameter - which internally represents any float value passed in - always returns False). The get_value method returns the parameter value. It is only called if requires_stop is false. In the MesaurementDependentParameter class, we assume that the measured data is a single float and that we simple want to multiply it by 2 as the parameter’s value. The other two methods, get_serialization_data and deserialize also must be overwritten since each Parameter implements the `Serializable interface <03Serialization.ipynb>`__. However, we just raise an exception here since these methods are not relevant in this example.

We would then set up our pulse for execution like as in the following snippet (including a stub implementation of a MeasurementManager just for demonstration purposes):

In [3]:
from qctoolkit.pulses import Sequencer

# We define a stub for the measurement manager here only for illustration purposes.
class MeasurementManager:
    def __init__(self, sequencer: Sequencer) -> None:
        self.sequencer = sequencer
        self.is_available = False

    def is_measurement_available(self) -> bool:
        return self.is_available

    def get_data(self) -> float:
        return 3

sequencer = Sequencer()
measurement_manager = MeasurementManager(sequencer)
parameter = MeasurementDependentParameter(measurement_manager)

sequencer.push(dependent_template, {'v': parameter})

The MeasurementManager.is_measurement_available stub will simply return the value to which we have set the is_available member variable of the class.

When we invoke Sequencer.build, for each template on the sequencing stack it first queries whether or not all parameters can be evaluated. If any of them returns True via the requires_stop method, the sequencing process will be interrupted. In our example, Sequencer will first proceed through the first two subtemplates of sequence_template. When it arrives at dependent_template, it will stop:

In [4]:
first_sequence = sequencer.build()
[<qctoolkit.pulses.instructions.EXECInstruction object at 0x0000000007D381D0>, <qctoolkit.pulses.instructions.EXECInstruction object at 0x0000000007D382B0>, <qctoolkit.pulses.instructions.STOPInstruction object at 0x0000000007D38390>]

As you can see in the output above, only two executions instructions are generated, one for each TablePulseTemplate instance before the dependent_template. Let us now switch the is_available variable of the MeasurementManager instance to True, simulating that we’ve obtained some measurement result, and invoke the Sequencer again:

In [5]:
measurement_manager.is_available = True
second_sequence = sequencer.build()
[<qctoolkit.pulses.instructions.EXECInstruction object at 0x0000000007D381D0>, <qctoolkit.pulses.instructions.EXECInstruction object at 0x0000000007D382B0>, <qctoolkit.pulses.instructions.EXECInstruction object at 0x0000000007D38908>, <qctoolkit.pulses.instructions.EXECInstruction object at 0x0000000007D38898>, <qctoolkit.pulses.instructions.STOPInstruction object at 0x0000000007D38940>]

We have now obtained the complete sequence with one execution instruction for each TablePulseTemplate. Attention/Broken: Currently this is incorrect behavior: We would want to only get the remainder of the pulse in the second call since we wouldn’t want to execute the first part of the pulse again. Needs fixing (`issue 105 <https://github.com/qutech/qc-toolkit/issues/105>`__).