Source code for qctoolkit.pulses.pulse_template

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Set, Optional
import logging


from qctoolkit.serialization import Serializable

from qctoolkit.pulses.parameters import ParameterDeclaration, Parameter
from qctoolkit.pulses.sequencing import SequencingElement

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["MeasurementWindow", "PulseTemplate"]

MeasurementWindow = Tuple[float, float]

[docs]class PulseTemplate(Serializable, SequencingElement, metaclass = ABCMeta): """A PulseTemplate represents the parameterized general structure of a pulse. A PulseTemplate described a pulse in an abstract way: It defines the structure of a pulse but might leave some timings or voltage levels undefined, thus declaring parameters. This allows to reuse a PulseTemplate for several pulses which have the same overall structure and differ only in concrete values for the parameters. Obtaining an actual pulse which can be executed by specifying values for these parameters is called instantiation of the PulseTemplate. """ def __init__(self, identifier: Optional[str]=None) -> None: super().__init__(identifier) @abstractproperty def parameter_names(self) -> Set[str]: """Return the set of names of declared parameters.""" @abstractproperty def parameter_declarations(self) -> Set[ParameterDeclaration]: """Return the set of ParameterDeclarations.""" @abstractmethod
[docs] def get_measurement_windows(self, parameters: Dict[str, Parameter] = None) -> List[MeasurementWindow]: """Return all measurement windows defined in this PulseTemplate."""
@abstractproperty def is_interruptable(self) -> bool: """Return true, if this PulseTemplate contains points at which it can halt if interrupted."""