Source code for qctoolkit.pulses.function_pulse_template

import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Set,  Optional
import numbers
import numpy as np
from typing import Any


from qctoolkit.expressions import Expression
from qctoolkit.serialization import Serializer

from qctoolkit.pulses.parameters import ParameterDeclaration, Parameter
from qctoolkit.pulses.pulse_template import PulseTemplate, MeasurementWindow
from qctoolkit.pulses.sequencing import InstructionBlock, Sequencer
from qctoolkit.pulses.sequence_pulse_template import ParameterNotProvidedException
from qctoolkit.pulses.instructions import Waveform

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["FunctionPulseTemplate", "FunctionWaveform"]

[docs]class FunctionPulseTemplate(PulseTemplate): """Defines a pulse via a time-domain expression. FunctionPulseTemplate stores the expression and its external parameters. The user must provide two things: one expression that calculates the length of the pulse from the external parameters and the time-domain pulse shape itself as a expression. The external parameters are derived from the expressions themselves. Like other PulseTemplates the FunctionPulseTemplate can be declared to be a measurement pulse. The independent variable in the expression is called 't' and is given in units of nano-seconds. """ def __init__(self, expression: str, duration_expression: str, measurement: bool=False, identifier: str=None) -> None: super().__init__(identifier) self.__expression = Expression(expression) self.__duration_expression = Expression(duration_expression) self.__is_measurement_pulse = measurement # type: bool self.__parameter_names = set(self.__duration_expression.variables() + self.__expression.variables()) - set(['t']) @property def parameter_names(self) -> Set[str]: """Return the set of names of declared parameters.""" return self.__parameter_names @property def parameter_declarations(self) -> Set[ParameterDeclaration]: """Return a set of all parameter declaration objects of this TablePulseTemplate.""" return set()
[docs] def get_pulse_length(self, parameters: Dict[str, Parameter]) -> float: """Return the length of this pulse for the given parameters.""" missing = self.__parameter_names - set(parameters.keys()) for m in missing: raise ParameterNotProvidedException(m) return self.__duration_expression.evaluate(**{parameter_name: parameter.get_value() for (parameter_name, parameter) in parameters.items()})
[docs] def get_measurement_windows(self, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Parameter]] = {}) -> List[MeasurementWindow]: """Return all measurement windows defined in this PulseTemplate. A ExpressionPulseTemplate specifies either no measurement windows or exactly one that spans its entire duration, depending on whether the measurement_pulse flag was given during construction. """ if not self.__is_measurement_pulse: return else: return [(0, self.get_pulse_length(parameters))]
@property def is_interruptable(self) -> bool: """Return true, if this PulseTemplate contains points at which it can halt if interrupted.""" return False
[docs] def build_sequence(self, sequencer: Sequencer, parameters: Dict[str, Parameter], conditions: Dict[str, 'Condition'], instruction_block: InstructionBlock) -> None: waveform = FunctionWaveform({parameter_name: parameter.get_value() for (parameter_name, parameter) in parameters.items()}, self.__expression, self.__duration_expression) instruction_block.add_instruction_exec(waveform)
[docs] def requires_stop(self, parameters: Dict[str, Parameter], conditions: Dict[str, 'Condition']) -> bool: return any(parameters[name].requires_stop for name in parameters.keys() if (name in self.parameter_names) and not isinstance(parameters[name], numbers.Number))
[docs] def get_serialization_data(self, serializer: Serializer) -> None: root = dict() root['type'] = 'FunctionPulseTemplate' root['parameter_names'] = self.__parameter_names root['duration_expression'] = self.__duration_expression.string root['expression'] = self.__expression.string root['measurement'] = self.__is_measurement_pulse return root
[docs] def deserialize(serializer: 'Serializer', **kwargs) -> 'Serializable': return FunctionPulseTemplate(kwargs['expression'], kwargs['duration_expression'], kwargs['Measurement'])
[docs]class FunctionWaveform(Waveform): def __init__(self, parameters: Dict[str, float], expression: Expression, duration_expression: Expression) -> None: super().__init__() self.__expression = expression self.__parameters = parameters self.__duration_expression = duration_expression self.__partial_expression = self.__partial def __partial (self,t): params = self.__parameters.copy() params.update({"t":t}) return self.__expression.evaluate(**params) @property def _compare_key(self) -> Any: return self.__expression @property def duration(self) -> float: return self.__duration_expression.evaluate(**self.__parameters)
[docs] def sample(self, sample_times: np.ndarray, first_offset: float=0) -> np.ndarray: sample_times -= (sample_times[0] - first_offset) func = np.vectorize(self.__partial_expression) voltages = func(sample_times) return voltages