Source code for qctoolkit.pulses.conditions

import logging
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, Optional, Callable


from qctoolkit.pulses import parameters
from qctoolkit.pulses import sequencing
from qctoolkit.pulses import instructions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["Condition", "ConditionEvaluationException", "SoftwareCondition", "HardwareCondition"]

[docs]class Condition(metaclass = ABCMeta): """A condition on which the execution of a pulse may depend. Conditions are used for branching and looping of pulses and thus relevant for BranchPulseTemplate and LoopPulseTemplate. Implementations of Condition may rely on software variables, measured data or be mere placeholders for hardware triggers. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__() @abstractmethod
[docs] def requires_stop(self) -> bool: """Return True if evaluating this Condition is not possible in the current translation process."""
[docs] def build_sequence_loop(self, delegator: sequencing.SequencingElement, body: sequencing.SequencingElement, sequencer: sequencing.Sequencer, parameters: Dict[str, parameters.Parameter], conditions: Dict[str, 'Condition'], instruction_block: instructions.InstructionBlock) -> None: """Translate a looping SequencingElement using this Condition into an instruction sequence for the given instruction block using sequencer and the given parameter sets. delegator refers to the SequencingElement which has delegated the invocation of build_sequence to this Condition object. body is the loop body element. See also SequencingElement.build_sequence(). """
[docs] def build_sequence_branch(self, delegator: sequencing.SequencingElement, if_branch: sequencing.SequencingElement, else_branch: sequencing.SequencingElement, sequencer: sequencing.Sequencer, parameters: Dict[str, parameters.Parameter], conditions: Dict[str, 'Condition'], instruction_block: instructions.InstructionBlock) -> None: """Translate a branching SequencingElement using this Condition into an instruction sequence for the given instruction block using sequencer and the given parameter sets. delegator refers to the SequencingElement which has delegated the invocation of build_sequence to this Condition object. if_branch and else_branch are the elements to be translated into if and else branch instructions. See also SequencingElement.build_sequence(). """
[docs]class HardwareCondition(Condition): """A condition that will be evaluated using hardware triggers. During the translation process, HardwareCondition instanced will produce in code blocks for branches/loop bodies and the corresponding conditional jump instructions. """ def __init__(self, trigger: instructions.Trigger) -> None: """Create a new HardwareCondition instance. Argument trigger is the trigger handle of the corresponding hardware device.""" super().__init__() self.__trigger = trigger # type: Trigger
[docs] def requires_stop(self) -> bool: return False
[docs] def build_sequence_loop(self, delegator: sequencing.SequencingElement, body: sequencing.SequencingElement, sequencer: sequencing.Sequencer, parameters: Dict[str, parameters.Parameter], conditions: Dict[str, 'Condition'], instruction_block: instructions.InstructionBlock) -> None: body_block = instruction_block.create_embedded_block() body_block.return_ip = instructions.InstructionPointer(instruction_block, len(body_block)) instruction_block.add_instruction_cjmp(self.__trigger, body_block) sequencer.push(body, parameters, conditions, body_block)
[docs] def build_sequence_branch(self, delegator: sequencing.SequencingElement, if_branch: sequencing.SequencingElement, else_branch: sequencing.SequencingElement, sequencer: sequencing.Sequencer, parameters: Dict[str, parameters.Parameter], conditions: Dict[str, 'Condition'], instruction_block: instructions.InstructionBlock) -> None: if_block = instruction_block.create_embedded_block() else_block = instruction_block.create_embedded_block() instruction_block.add_instruction_cjmp(self.__trigger, if_block) sequencer.push(if_branch, parameters, conditions, if_block) instruction_block.add_instruction_goto(else_block) sequencer.push(else_branch, parameters, conditions, else_block) if_block.return_ip = instructions.InstructionPointer(instruction_block, len(instruction_block)) else_block.return_ip = if_block.return_ip
[docs]class SoftwareCondition(Condition): """A condition that will be evaluated in the software. SoftwareConditions are evaluated in software, allowing them to rely on sophisticated measurement evaluation or to be used when the hardware device does not support trigger based jumping instructions. On the downside, this means that a translation processes may be interrupted because a SoftwareCondition relying on measurement data cannot be evaluated before that data is acquired. In this case, the already translated part has to be executed, the measurement is made and in a subsequent translation, the SoftwareCondition is evaluated and the corresponding instructions of one branch/the loop body are generated without jumping instructions. This interruption of pulse execution might not be feasible in some environments. """ def __init__(self, evaluation_callback: Callable[[int], Optional[bool]]) -> None: """Create a new SoftwareCondition instance. Argument evaluationCallback is a callable function which accepts an integer argument and returns a bool or None. The integer argument is the current iteration of a loop (starting at zero before the first loop execution). For branch sequencing, this argument will always be zero. The callbacks return value must be None, if evaluation is currently not possible and boolean otherwise. """ super().__init__() self.__callback = evaluation_callback # type: Callable[[int], Optional[bool]] self.__loop_iteration = 0
[docs] def requires_stop(self) -> bool: evaluation_result = self.__callback(self.__loop_iteration) return evaluation_result is None
[docs] def build_sequence_loop(self, delegator: sequencing.SequencingElement, body: sequencing.SequencingElement, sequencer: sequencing.Sequencer, parameters: Dict[str, parameters.Parameter], conditions: Dict[str, 'Condition'], instruction_block: instructions.InstructionBlock) -> None: evaluation_result = self.__callback(self.__loop_iteration) if evaluation_result is None: raise ConditionEvaluationException() #if evaluationResult is None: # instruction_block.add_instruction_stop() # sequencer.push(delegator, time_parameters, voltage_parameters, instruction_block) #else: # the above should be done by Sequencer via evaluating requires_stop() if evaluation_result == True: sequencer.push(delegator, parameters, conditions, instruction_block) sequencer.push(body, parameters, conditions, instruction_block) self.__loop_iteration += 1 # next time, evaluate for next iteration
[docs] def build_sequence_branch(self, delegator: sequencing.SequencingElement, if_branch: sequencing.SequencingElement, else_branch: sequencing.SequencingElement, sequencer: sequencing.Sequencer, parameters: Dict[str, parameters.Parameter], conditions: Dict[str, 'Condition'], instruction_block: instructions.InstructionBlock) -> None: evaluation_result = self.__callback(self.__loop_iteration) if evaluation_result is None: raise ConditionEvaluationException() #if evaluationResult is None: # instruction_block.add_instruction_stop() # sequencer.push(delegator, time_parameters, voltage_parameters, instruction_block) #else: # the above should be done by Sequencer via evaluating requires_stop() if evaluation_result == True: sequencer.push(if_branch, parameters, conditions, instruction_block) else: sequencer.push(else_branch, parameters, conditions, instruction_block)
[docs]class ConditionEvaluationException(Exception): """Indicates that a SoftwareCondition cannot be evaluated yet.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return "The Condition can currently not be evaluated."
[docs]class ConditionMissingException(Exception): def __init__(self, condition_name: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.condition_name = condition_name def __str__(self) -> str: return "Condition <{}> was referred to but not provided in the conditions dictionary.".format(self.condition_name)